World Bee Day.

20th May 2020

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In 2017 in response to the global decline in bee populations the UN declared 20th May as World Bee Day to acknowledge and spread awareness of the importance of pollinators.

We all depend on the survival of bees so it’s hugely important to spread awareness that they are in serious trouble and take action to help.

This spring, flowering trees have been stunningly beautiful. Later in the year, with the help of bees those flowers produce seeds and fruits like cherries and apples and almonds. 


Every year Spring comes, bees emerge from hibernation and begin their work which results not only in a beautiful world full of blossom and nectar and honey, but in almost everything we eat. Pollinators, like bees, are critical to food security and a key part of maintaining our worlds biodiversity. 

“Almost 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species depend, entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world’s food crops and 35% of global agricultural land” United Nations world bee day

Modern humans have become so adept at flying food from one part of the world to another that we are in danger of forgetting what Spring is for. To most of us it’s a pretty backdrop, a relief to get out after long months in lockdown, a question of what to wear. We’re forgetting it’s the harbinger of new life, the bringer of crops and eventually harvests. Without pollinators Spring as we know it will not exist.

We need to remember before it’s too late. We need to honour the small things, the bees and butterflies and flowers, that keep us and our world alive.


Celebrate World Bee Day with us by giving the bees a helping hand.

Here are some of the ways you can join in.

  1. Bee a Messenger: Like our facebook page and help raise awareness by sharing our posts and videos.

  2. Follow our bee kind challenge here and help the bees in your neighbourhood.

  3. Bee Inspired! Share a photo, a song or any piece of art that is inspired by bees, flowers and a love of nature on facebook or Instagram, tag us or post it in our group and we will share your inspiration!

  4. Use #beekindchallenge and #beepositive


How to help bees in the Autumn


No Mow May.